020 3137 3719 sales@net-essence.com

Cloud Services

Reduce costs, stay flexible, grow at scale and work remotely.

Cloud services is a new way for you to access the software and data you need over the internet rather than it taking up space on your desktop or inside your company’s network.

  • The Cloud is great for SMEs as it levels the playing field. You will now be able to use feature-rich applications that were previously limited to only the largest corporations.
  • Net Essence can help you with cloud services such as file storage, data backup, emails, desktop access and server support. All of these services are available to you in cost-effective and robust packages.
  • Cloud services will reduce costs, enable you to stay flexible and grow at scale, stay secure and work from anywhere, on any connected device. We have proven with our extensive client base that we can deliver all of these benefits and more.
  • Your cloud challenges are unique. Contact us so we can understand more about your needs and objectives.
Cloud Services

Cloud Backup

We provide robust and secure services for storing your critical data off-site.

Cloud Hosting

Cloud Hosting

We can help you with services provided via an internet connection such as file storage, backup, emails and server support. 

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365

Access a digital suite of business-grade tools that will transform your content creation, communication and collaboration processes. 



Use our hosted telecoms services to access crystal clear communications without the need to invest in expensive physical phone lines.